Licensed Security Guards

Do You Need Licensed Security Guards?

Do you need Licensed Security Guards? At Boston Security Agency, we provide you with the best-licensed security guards in the Greater Boston Area. All our guards must complete all pieces of training before stepping foot on a job site. Thanks to our partnership with New England Security, we are confident our guards received the best training in the industry. We know our guards prepare to protect you from anything. 

Our licensed security guards train with the best-retired law enforcement certified trainers. Sometimes things require extra security. Thanks to their training, our guards are ready for anything they face. The threat of danger will always be a part of the job. However, we prepare for everything. Get yourself a quick quote today!

Do you need Licensed Security Guards? Get a quote now!


At Boston Security Agency, we put your protection at the top of our priority list. We pride ourselves on our ability to protect and serve our clients better than any other company in the industry. Your safety is our mission. Thanks to the intense training our guards go through, we know you will be proud of the protection you receive. Thanks to our partnership with New England Security, our guards are trained better than any other company in the industry. They prepare for everything and understand the risks that come with the job. 

Just having our guards on-site raises the level of security and awareness. People understand our guard’s level of professionalism because of how well-trained, well-groomed, and well-mannered they are. They are serious individuals who take pride in their jobs. Through many years of training and experience, they arrive at every job site with confidence in their abilities to protect and serve. This confidence allows our clients to feel safe and secure. They prepare for any emergency and are prepared to contain any situation until the police arrive. 

Licensed Security Guards

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#1 Licensed Security Guards In Boston
Licensed Security Guards
Licensed Security Guards

Let our 35+ years of experience of Licensed Security Guards services be the reason you feel safe. Our 24-hour guards will ensure protection.

Licensed Security Guards

Having a Licensed Security Guard is more than just positioning a person in uniform. Their license is a display of how much they have trained. They must complete all pieces of training, have a thorough background check, and submit their fingerprints to the authorities. These hurdles are why licensed security guards aren’t regular individuals. They must prepare for anything while being ready to protect people and property. These are the guards who take pride in their work and their appearance. Boston Security Agency licensed security guards are the best in the industry.

The job of a licensed security guard is to secure premises and personnel through patroling properties, monitoring surveillance equipment, and protecting access points. Also, they investigate breaches in security, unusual incidents, and irregular behaviors. Security guards are always looking for these situations to contain and de-escalate them. Guards train for all scenarios and report all observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities to ensure 24/7 protection.


Safety is vital. For business or personal reasons, you must be safe at all times. Therefore, hiring security services that dispatch licensed security guards to your location is essential. They arrive on-site well-groomed, well-mannered, and well-trained. Protecting you at any personal or work event is why they train. They prepare for any situation to ensure maximum security throughout the area. When it comes to your safety, there are no shortcuts.

Safety in the workplace is critical to your employees and your company. First, your employees can’t thrive to their maximum potential if the threat of danger is lingering. They need to know they are safe at all times so they can focus on the work you assign them. Second, your company’s property needs protection from vandalism, burglars, and trespassers. These things keep customers away and make your employees not want to work for you. That’s why hiring a licensed security guard to be present at all times eliminates those threats is vital.